I wrote a whole other blog post on this topic but I didn’t like it because it seemed to gloss over some of the major secrets of my success. I’ll tell you what they are without beating around the bush.
1. Read.
That’s it.
Not quite.

Read everything, read things that are interesting, start to read topics you find boring even when you know you won’t finish. Read both fiction and non-fiction.
But, you didn’t come here for that. You want to know about getting promoted. Here is my considered advice. READ THE DOCUMENTS PERTINENT TO YOUR ORGANIZATION.
Years ago, my friend told me that while she was in seminary, her professor had to explain the importance of reading all of the source document. Let me clarify. Men and women studying to become Ministers, Reverends, Pastors, had to be TOLD to read all of The Bible!!
If you haven’t read all the laws and regulations of your company get to it, particularly if you plan to get promoted. Don’t hurt your brain by cramming. I started reading the necessary documents for an hour a day, a year before my promotion exercise.
2. Have a plan
A favourite saying in The Bahamas, is”All promotions come from God.” Really!! Who knew? I find this mindset both intellectually and spiritually lazy. My take is, God helps those who help themselves.
What do you need to do to get promoted? Do you know? Ask someone who was in the same position as you years ago but got promoted out of it, whether that person works in your company or not. Start preparing for your promotion the minute you become eligible (in most companies, 2-3 years after your last promotion) and take at least 3 -6 months to build your case. The higher you go on the corporate ladder, the greater the competition. You may need to prove to the senior managers why you deserve a promotion. Just as important is that you know what to say when meeting with them. Unfortunately, I cannot explain exactly what your plan should be. What I can tell you is that HOPE is not a strategy and “I deserve it” is not a good reason.
3. Define Your Own Standard
Outstanding, and Above Average grades on your Performance Report is to be a starting point for the actual promotion. In large organizations, there is no shortage of High Performers. How do you stand out from the rest of them? The general rule for those who are serious about managing their careers is to start with what you know is required, and then figure out in what areas you will exceed the company’s expectations.
Key Tip: Work until your boss believes you are indispensable but never act like you believe it yourself.
4. Forget about the promotion
If you’ve followed this advice; you are now well-informed about your company and the industry, you are now consistently performing at an Above Average level, and, you have a plan on how to convince your superiors why you need to be moved up a rung on the corporate ladder. Along the way, you’ve hopefully made a few friends and most likely gained some haters. Life is good. Don’t blow it all by obsessing on the promotion or becoming obnoxious with your newfound knowledge and ability. A quiet confidence speaks volumes about your suitability for upper management.
In my case, the promotion was the goal, but the side effects were even better. What could be better than more money in the paycheck?
- Through shared struggle with others in my cohort, I made life-long friends and created relationships that will help me throughout my career.
- I became more confident in my abilities. I know that I can take the initiative, plan and successfully execute.
- Despite being an introvert, I learned to speak with the people higher up in organization who were willing to help.
Suppose after having done all of this, you don’t get promoted? The good thing is that through this process you have proven to yourself that you know HOW to get better at your job and in your industry. You will have voluntarily undergone a process of self-improvement, which is something that money can’t buy.
Get started now and I’ll see you at the top.
My process for getting the promotion will require a degree of grit. I highly recommend this book for helping you to achieve the level of mental toughness necessary.
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