The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has reported an overall increase in Anxiety, Depression, and suicidal thoughts for the first half of 2020. If ever there was a year for anxious depression, this was it. We had the COVID-19 pandemic, a record number of hurricanes in the Atlantic, fires around the globe, increasing unemployment, AND the US presidential elections.

Keanu Reeves
If you’ve felt on edge this year, it’s entirely understandable. What is to be done and can we learn anything from Keanu Reeves “The Kindest Man in Hollywood”?
Here are four takeaways from the Keanuverse:
No Social Media
– It is charming to watch Reeves’ reaction to being informed of his title as the “Internet’s Boyfriend”. His expression shows that he’s genuinely surprised and handles the news well. He doesn’t go into some sort of “Aw shucks little old me” or even self-deprecating humour. His behaviour is so authentic, it’s no wonder he’s so well-liked.
The real question is, how do you become so insanely popular and not even know about it? The answer: He doesn’t engage in Social Media. There is no Twitter page, no Instagram, not even LinkedIn. Whoever handles his PR (if anyone at all) obviously doesn’t keep him informed of the world’s love affair with all things Keanu.
We are continually being bombarded with the need to grow our followers, increase Likes, and build our brand. The downside is we are being flooded with everyone else’s need to be seen.
Not only are you subject to the Loudest, Dumbest People of Your Group but through them, you’re connected to all of the loudest, dumbest people they follow. All of our connections MIGHT make us smarter, but they are definitely wrecking our mental health.
The takeaway is obvious, we can avoid some anxiety by avoiding people that make us anxious.

I can fly from my home to Washington DC in 2 1/2 hours. Despite this, I refused to learn who had won the US Presidential election for a week after they announced the results.
Ignorance was Bliss.
“But, but I can’t live without ______________ (insert favourite site/app)” you say. Yes, you can, but if you feel that way start by limiting the time you spend with it. My go-to strategy is to use my phone’s “Digital Sundown” setting. This makes the phone screen show only in black and white tones between the hours of 12:30 pm and 12:05 am. There are site blockers and apps that do the same thing for PCs and laptops.
Try it. You’ll quickly find that the only thing you’re missing out on is further insanity.
The person who was holding me back from my happiness was me. – Keanu Reeves.
Humility and Kindness
Keanu is legendary for shifting praise to those around him. In one interview after another, (John Wick 3, The Matrix, CyberPunk 2077) Keanu goes to great lengths to explain that what happens on-screen wouldn’t be possible without the help of this or that person. Incredibly, he seems to know each person by name and specialty.
Not only does he spread praise but also his money. He has given motorcycles to all the stuntmen who worked on The Matrix, and $75 million to the Special Effects and Costume designers. He’s donated millions more to charity.
Well sure, he’s a multimillionaire, so he’s supposed to give!
How many multimillionaires would sit on the side of the road and share lunch with the homeless, give up their seat on the subway, physically push a car that had broken down out of a busy intersection, etc? Why and how does he do it?

Equanimity. Reeves appears to be moving through life in a way where his movies that flop does not break him, neither does he let his wild successes go to his head. Compare that to the famous for being famous celebrities who cannot survive without a weekly Twitter battle. Be warned, if you click the “Twitter battle” link, you will lose brain cells!
Dear reader, you are neither your triumphs nor your defeats. Take your eyes off your own navel and the universe rewards you. Let neither the highs nor the lows go to your head and be kind to all.
If you have been brutally broken but still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings, then you’re a badass with a heart of an angel. – Keanu Reeves

Does What Matters (to him)
The benefit of internet diversions and social media is they consume so much of our time. We can’t focus because there is always some new gossip, a new reason to be outraged, or some Shiny New Thing we have to buy.
Of course, our most common complaint is that we don’t have the time to do what we really want. What we say we want and what we will work for are two totally different things.
Keanu owns and operates ARCH Motorcycle, which builds custom motorbikes. Given his fame, he could make millions more endorsing other brands or licensing his name on everything from apple juice to zippers. Well-built motorcycles matter to him and that is what he is doing.
We spend so much of our lives doing what others tell us to do or doing something because we have to. Few people realize the deep satisfaction of doing your best on something you absolutely enjoy.
Even if it is in the smallest way possible, DO YOU!
“I’m Mickey [Mouse]. They don’t know who’s inside the suit.” – via Vanity Fair
Accept the Sacrifice
Hollywood Boulevard is lined with former stars who couldn’t stop the party or took roles they shouldn’t have just to pay the bills. Nicolas Cage, Armand Assante, and Mickey Rourke all spring to mind.
One of the most painful lessons in adulthood is that you can’t be all things to all people and worse; often you can’t be all things to even yourself. At some point, something will have to be left behind if you are to move forward.
Perhaps it’s a touch of pride, or that weekend partying, perhaps it’s a small part of your dream that will need to be sacrificed, even if only temporarily.
Keanu has sacrificed tons of money so that he can learn from the best in the business or make the film he wants.
The Replacements – A 90% pay cut so that Gene Hackman would co-star.
The Devil’s Advocate – A two million dollar pay cut so the producers could hire Al Pacino in the lead role.
The Matrix – As previously mentioned, he gave $75 million to ensure that the Special Effects crew could do their best work.
There are people, behaviours, and things that you will HAVE TO turn your back on if you are to reach any level of success. The first things to be sacrificed should be those that diminish your productivity while increasing your headaches. See Point 1 above.
Your mental health is far too precious for you not to manage it the best way possible. Limit your engagement with those who yank on your emotions through social media, be humble and kind to yourself and others, do what matters to you, and give up the things that don’t.
Which of these methods will you try first? Please let me know in the ‘Comments’ section and share it with your friends who need it.
Anxiety or the fear of the unknown is a typical stress response; however, sometimes, it could be a handful. Reading this article is helpful, especially to people who are currently experiencing a lot of overthinking in life. It’s important to breathe and think of positive things.
– Dan White
Agreed. We need better teaching methods that show us how to avoid unhealthy mental patterns.
All the best.
To watch Keneau in an interview is like watching a shaken bottle of Coke.. it bubbles up and doesn’t stop.. His enthusiasm when he talks is almost exhausting.. he puts his heart and energy right out there for all to see.. Into his conversation you are pulled in and the excitement is evident. So much fun,, such a special individual
I agree to an extent. He’s never been shaken to the point that he explodes.