Flying Kites

Flying Kites

Image courtesy of Photositefaces I am on Fort Charlotte watching three sisters trying to heist a kite. In this time we live in I cannot watch too closely lest I frighten the girls and their parents. Yet, I take quick glances at the three of them.  The oldest about 10-12 is the expert in charge […]

4 Life Lessons That I’ve Learnt From Older Men

4 Life Lessons That I’ve Learnt From Older Men

Note from Jeremy:  This is a guest post from Brad Alexander. Brad writes about personal development for young men. He helps people with the murky transition between boyhood and manhood in the modern-day. Brad covers issues such as insecurity, relationships, fitness and masculinity.  Read more of his thoughts on   ” The rarest find is a […]

How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Sharks, Travel, Money)

How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Sharks, Travel, Money)

 The Sharks. Shark Week on the Discovery Channel is almost one long advertisement for Stuart  Cove at the western end of New Providence in The Bahamas.  The popular tourist attraction has hosted dozens of celebrities (Matt Damon, Tom Hanks, Mike Rowe, Prince Harry) and been used as the set for many movies (Casino Royale, Wet […]

A Smarter Way To Pay Your Bills

A Smarter Way To Pay Your Bills

Bills, like death and taxes are unavoidable. None are more unavoidable than utilities and housing.  If you have a steady income or even not so steady (freelancer, part-time employee, etc) read on to find out how to decrease the time spent paying bills in particular and messing around with your money in general. 1.  Automate […]

How To Be Fit and Happy After 40

How To Be Fit and Happy After 40

If you are reading this there is a 50% chance that you’re overweight.  Big boned. Chubby. Fat.  Call it what you like but you could stand to lose some weight. There are two reasons why you’re fat, that have nothing to do with genetics. 1. Food is plentiful and cheap where you live 2. You’re […]