If you are reading this there is a 50% chance that you’re overweight. Big boned. Chubby. Fat. Call it what you like but you could stand to lose some weight. There are two reasons why you’re fat, that have nothing to do with genetics. 1. Food is plentiful and cheap where you live 2. You’re […]
The Last Taboo: The Truth About Senior Citizen Sex
They’re an old married couple, but could you be cool if you found out it was their second date? The thing about being middle-aged is that you’re MIDDLE age. Talking to your children about sex is hard enough, but there are any number of resources that guide you along and tell you what to say. […]
The Great Mid-Life Crisis Hoax
There are two sure signs that you are getting old. 1. When all your friends are married 2. When all your friends are dead. Midlife is that point in between the two, when some of your friends are dead and others are getting divorced. This is the point where the male mid-life crisis strikes. Some […]
How To Gain Ten Pounds in Four Weeks
Of course, most of you would be more interested in knowing how to lose weight instead of gain. Here’s a post on how to get started with that. First, how I gained ten pounds of mostly muscle.
Forty by 40: The Big List of Things I Learnt By The Age of Forty.
By the age of 40 any reasonably intelligent person should know some stuff. Not the stuff that you were forced to learn in high school, or paid good money to learn in college, but a realization about the way the world really works. It’s an epiphany about your life, your career, your relationship, that once […]