As of this writing, the war in Ukraine has created anxiety and shortages around the world. At this point in the war, we know that even if the Russians used nuclear bombs, and the Ukrainians had nothing but sticks and stones, Russia would still lose.
Speech Writer Confessions (part 2): The Power of Self-Deception

I once successfully seduced a woman by comparing her to a buffalo. A) It’s a long story B) Don’t try this at home. Injury, death or worse may occur. C) Yes, this is directly related to Politics and Self-Deception. In my last post, I covered three of the four main elements […]
Confessions of A Speech Writer – Truth and Lies on The Campaign Trail

Once upon a time a young, handsome and somewhat naive speechwriter asked a superior what information needed to be put in an upcoming speech. “I dunno. Just blow some smoke up their ass.” was the response. Considering that the person delivering the speech didn’t like the group he would be addressing and that the feeling […]
Niche Marketing and Mass Appeal: What The G.O.P Can Learn From Kim Kardashian

Starting with a dimly lit sex tape co-starring Ray-J, Kimberly Noel “Kim” Kardashian has grown into a global brand, with T.V shows, endorsement deals, a workout DVD series, and a clothing line all making her world-famous. But can she teach Republicans anything? Let’s start with her dealings with men which have made her infamous. […]
Forty by 40: The Big List of Things I Learnt By The Age of Forty.

By the age of 40 any reasonably intelligent person should know some stuff. Not the stuff that you were forced to learn in high school, or paid good money to learn in college, but a realization about the way the world really works. It’s an epiphany about your life, your career, your relationship, that once […]