As of this writing, the war in Ukraine has created anxiety and shortages around the world. At this point in the war, we know that even if the Russians used nuclear bombs, and the Ukrainians had nothing but sticks and stones, Russia would still lose.
On Being Good – The Series

You want to be great at so many things, but you feel like a failure at most of what you attempt. The belief that you have to be the greatest dad, husband, lover, sister, daughter, and friend is causing you anxiety. There is no need for that. Being good is not a competitive sport, but […]
The Top 6 Types of Summer Heat

Yes, it’s hot but what kind of ‘heat’ are you feeling right now?
Heat is heat, you say, but is it really? Allow a lifetime connoisseur of summer heat to guide you through the various types of hot.
Death, Happiness, and You

Death focuses the mind like nothing else. One effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is that more people understand the pursuit of happiness.
Why Your Work Sucks and Your Projects are Late.

Here is an explanation as to why your job sucks and your projects are late. We’ll use as an example a small, almost fictitious team tasked with creating a new app. First, we’ll get to know the team members.