
Getting older is inevitable, but getting better with age is a choice. On this blog you can join with other people who are choosing to get better at Relationships, Personal Finances and Careers.
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. . . . . On Mother’s Day

A black black family but not mine. Flickr Commons

With eight operations; (two major), one near fatal car crash, two parachute jumps, seven bouts of pneumonia caused by the hereditary disease Sickle Cell Anemia, various mishaps and accidents, all behind me and the 50th birthday looming, there are times I need to take stock of where I am physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. Here is what […]

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Organizing an Art Show. 5 Tips You Need to Know

“From Within’ is the first art show of its kind in The Bahamas.  The show featured three woodturners (Robin Hardy, Jeremy Delancy and David McGorran)  who not only highlighted their skills but also the beauty of wood as a medium.   I came up with the idea of having the show in November of 2013 and […]

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How To Start An Art Collection Without Going Broke

As you get older, richer and hopefully wiser, you realize that there is a need for a little ‘culture’ in your life.   It’s time to move into adulthood with ‘serious’ art work.  But, how do you do it without breaking the bank?  This is a guest post by Kim Smith, who is an internationally […]

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A Short List of Productivity Tools & Techniques for 2014

First the Bad News: If you made New Year’s Resolutions chances are, you’re already struggling.  Statistically speaking, while 62% of people make resolutions at least some of the time just 8% will fulfill them.  Only 26% of people will still be working on their resolutions come June.  Exactly why, you’re having problems is explained HERE. […]

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6 Things I Learnt About Blogging, After I Quit Blogging.

Here is some of what I learnt by not blogging for six months. * Information is like money, you can’t take it with you.   * Perfection is the enemy of Production   * When content consumption surpasses content creation, you are NOT on the path to success.   During those six months I didn’t […]

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