After more than a decade as a speechwriter, I know one thing with great certainty; people love hearing Bullsh*t. Yes, you too, dear reader. The most frequently stated piece of B.S in the world is, “I want to know the truth.” Generally, no. We want to know the truth about other people while maintaining […]
Continue reading...March 17, 2021 by Leave a Comment
Eulogy for a Favourite Aunt
I miss Aunt Elva but the passage of time has made the happy times stand out and the sad ones more bearable. Here is what I learned from her life.
Continue reading...January 31, 2021 by Leave a Comment
Cultivating A Healthy Mind
The garden I suggest is a garden of the Mind. A mental garden with many of the benefits of a real garden but without the need for bags of nasty smelling fertilizer.
Continue reading...December 31, 2020 by Leave a Comment
Thanks and Good Riddance 2020
As I publish this on the last day of 2020, despite not knowing what the new year holds, everyone is glad to see the end of this one.
………I also hope that you have gained a better understanding of the fragility of life and the need to laugh and love while you can.